C90 Studio Sprachauswahl

Speaker search

Native speakers & well-known dubbing voices for image films, dubbing, podcasts and e-learning.

You can find the right voice here!


Mario Wolf

Baritone, Mid-Range, Between Low- and High-Pitched

Mario Wolf
David Hörning

High-Pitched, Mid-Range, Tenor

David Hörning
Nicolas Nitt

Baritone, Between Low- and High-Pitched, Tenor

Nicolas  Nitt
Lucía Palacios

Mezzo-Soprano, Mid-Range, Between Low- and High-Pitched

Lucía Palacios
Esther Esther Barth

Mezzo-Soprano, Mid-Range, Between Low- and High-Pitched

Esther Esther Barth
Esther-Marija Stemmer

High-Pitched, Mezzo-Soprano

Esther-Marija Stemmer
Nadine Schreier

Contralto/Alto, High-Pitched, Mezzo-Soprano, Mid-Range

Nadine Schreier
Marco Steeger

Baritone, Mid-Range, Between Low- and High-Pitched, Tenor, Low-Pitched

Marco Steeger

Ned Irving (englisch(us))

Englische Station Voice DW-TV
Claim Stimme MERCEDES-AMG Welt
Stimme für 1. Bundesliga im Au

Location: Berlin
Gender: Männlich
Between Low- and High-Pitched, Tenor, Low-Pitched
36-45, 46-60, 60+
dark, clear, crisp, firm, medium strength, smoky, resonant, sonorous, rich, voluminous, warm
hyperactive, Believable, comical, cool, dramatic, vibrant, erotic/sexy, friendly, distinctive, professional, experienced, respectable, sensual, confident, likable, naughty, seductive, trusting, melodic
dubbing actor, corporate video, Video Games, Documentary, Audio Play, Advertising, answering machine, E-Learning, Presentation, Sound Recording/Dubbing

Are you a professional speaker? apply for inclusion in the speaker database.